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Shooter, Aracade, Action, Sci-fi, Science fiction game

Maher & the Biogear

This game was designed and built by Eng. Ali Albahrani. It will start in March 2023 and will be published soon on Windows through Steam, iOS in Apple Play and Andriod in Google Play. 


Game Story

بطل القصة ماهر من احد امهر متسلقين الجبال في بلاده وهو حاصل على شهادة في قيادة الطائرات . وفي احد مغامراته لتسلق احد الجبال الكبيرة ، عصفت به رياح عاتية اسقطته على جرف جبل مطل على كهف .  فقرر  الدخول للكهف  والإحتماء فيه حتى هدوء العاصفة ، ولكنه سمع صوتاً عجيباً غريباً يخرج من جوف الكهف ، ورغم خوفه استجمع قوته وشجاعته واخذ يتعقب الصوت ليجد نفسه امام اعجوبه لم يشاهد مثلها من قبل 

ترى ماهو هذا الشيء الذي وجده ؟ هل هو كائن حي ؟ ومن اين اتى ؟


The hero of our story is Maher, one of the most skilled mountain climbers in his country, and he holds a certificate in flying aircraft. On one of his adventures to climb a large mountain, a strong wind hit him and dropped him on a mountain cliff overlooking a cave. So he decided to enter the cave and take shelter in it until the storm subsided, but he heard a strange sound emerging from the cave, and despite his fear, he gathered his strength and courage and began to track the sound to find himself in front of a miracle he had not seen before.


What is this thing he found? Is it a living being? And where did he come from?


Game Play Features

How to play the game?

The game will be available on the following store soon after finishes. The Beta version will be released for testing and you can enjoy it for free Soon.


Google Play

You can have the game on your Android mobile or tablet from Google Play Store for free. You can play the game using your touch gesture or Joystick.


The Game has been published.



Steam is one of the biggest gaming stores for PC games. The game will be published in this store for free first. It can be controlled by Keyboard or Joystick.


Apple Store

You can have the game on your iPhone mobile or iPad from Apple Store for free. You can play the game using your touch gesture or Joystick.

The Game has been Published


Beharsoft website


Current version: 0.4.2

You can also download the game from this website using the above button. However,

this version only works on Microsoft Windows,

Please notice that this version is still in development and we appreciate your suggestion and error reporting.

Thank you...

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